Saturday, July 11, 2009

"Autobiography of a Yogi" by Swami Paramhansa Yogananda

Probably one of the most insightful and the best book ever read by me on spirituality was the "Autobiography of a Yogi" by Swami Paramhansa Yogananda. Its lucid description and introduction of the spiritual aspects of our life, in form of several contiguous short story-like autobiography of Swami Paramhansa Yogananda can only be best described by actually reading this book. The practices like Kriya Yoga can of course only be done rather than read to experience the path to Moksha. A highly recommended read for everyone, even those who are not spiritually inclined or think it is poh-poh, if only to catch a glimpse of sometimes magical world of our spiritual and mental powers within our own grasp, as shared in this book. Do not get me wrong - This is not a children's book on magic but does describe several feats which would appear magical but are achievable even by you and I, provided we are willing to go through the rigors required for acquiring those supernatural powers. Mind reading, Levitating, Fasting indefinitely, etc. are some of the few displayed powers of human beings described in the book along with a few examples of sages and yogis who practice those. But all-in-all, the book provides a very logic framework for people in this World to relate to Spiritualism and a path to help adopt it, without the need to do any idol worship or follow any archaic customs, but simply through self discipline and practice of certain techniques.

The following link gives access to the free online edition of the book:

The link to the book review of this great masterpiece:

I agree with Sandeep in the very first few lines when he says that "Reviewing the book is like insulting it...".

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